Set a local web development environment with custom Urls and HTTPSWith web projects running inside Docker containers.Apr 30, 201814Apr 30, 201814
Getting started with Docker for local Node.js developmentHow to setup Docker-compose to isolate a web applicationApr 30, 20185Apr 30, 20185
Smooth a Svg path with functional programmingHow to use pure functions, closures and functions compositionAug 16, 20171Aug 16, 20171
Host multiple websites with HTTPS on a single serverSetup a reverse-proxy, and, for each website running inside a Docker container, create an automatic nginx configuration and a SSL…Jul 19, 201733Jul 19, 201733
Setup Node.js, Apache and an nginx reverse-proxy with DockerA complete exampleJul 14, 20172Jul 14, 20172
Deploy a website to a remote server with Git pushThree steps to configure the deployment process with a Git HookJun 28, 20175Jun 28, 20175